Secondary Principal

2 weeks ago

Champaign, United States Judah Christian School Full time
General Description
The secondary principal will organize, oversee and direct the secondary educational program at Judah Christian School. He/She will also prayerfully facilitate, supervise, and evaluate the work of secondary teachers, and plan and promote a program of student activities. He/She will give spiritual direction to students through personal counseling and discipline. The secondary principal will prayerfully help students learn attitudes, teamwork skills, and relational skills that will contribute to their development as mature, able, and responsible Christian men and women to the praise and glory of God. The secondary principal will also be responsible for overseeing all secondary teachers (grades 7-12), students (7-12), activities, and chapel program. The secondary principal is immediately responsible to the Superintendent.

The secondary principal should be one who has trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The secondary principal should be a member and a regular attendee in good standing of a Christ-centered church. He/She should demonstrate spiritual maturity with academic and leadership abilities that will allow him/her "in humility to consider others better than him/herself." The secondary principal should reflect the purpose and mission of the school in word and deed both while at school and in the community.

The secondary principal should be a college graduate and certified or with the qualifications to be certified by the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). He/She should also have either a Master's degree (preferably in education) or, at the time of application, be working toward a Master’s degree. He/She should have at least 5 years of educational experience in a school setting and be one who feels called of God to serve in the administration of a Christian school.

  • Seek to role model in attitude, speech, and actions a consistent daily walk with Jesus Christ.
  • Follow the Matthew 18 principle in dealing with students, parents, staff, and administration.
  • Motivate faculty and staff to grow in their faith. 
  • Have a ministry of encouragement among faculty, staff members, and students. 
  • Lead faculty to have confidence in Christ and in themselves as they perform their teaching ministry. 
  • Be directly responsible to the Superintendent to function within the limits of and promote the educational goals of Judah Christian School. 
  • Seek to keep informed about current educational developments through reading, attending and/or participating in professional conferences, and membership in professional organizations. 
  • Conduct prospective family interviews. 
  • Maintain professional behavior in relationships with faculty, students, and parents, and maintain a positive attitude. 
  • Maintain positive professional interactions with other educational personnel. 
  • Accept evaluation and redirection and make necessary changes or adjustments. 
  • Follow the school system's, policies and procedures and attend weekly Leadership meetings. 
  • Be actively involved with the oversight and planning of secondary chapels. 
  • Assist in maintaining current ISBE Recognition and ACSI Accreditation. 
  • Update the secondary handbook annually before the first day of teacher orientation each year. 
Instruction & Curriculum 
  • Provide leadership in the development of a thoroughly Christian approach to the subjects taught in the secondary school. 
  • Be responsible for the development and evaluation of the curriculum in consultation with the Superintendent in order to make recommendations for curriculum revisions and/or upgrades. 
  • Supervise the instructional program by: 
    • visiting classrooms and holding conferences with teachers; 
    • preparing a written evaluation of each teacher, annually; 
    • motivating teachers to develop enthusiastic teaching styles, good teaching skills,       and creative teaching procedures; 
  • working with the Superintendent to provide professional growth experiences and  meaningful teacher in service. 
  • Oversee and coordinate all ACSI, extracurricular activities for students. 
  • Seek to enhance the school’s special needs programs and work to add enrichment opportunities for students. Personnel Administration 
  • Coordinate the work of all secondary instructional areas including supervision of secondary teachers, and other professional staff members at the secondary level. 
  • Plan and direct all secondary faculty meetings. 
  • Work with the administrative team to develop the annual budget. 
  • Collaborate with the Superintendent regarding faculty and staff assignments and needs.
Student Management 
  • Be responsible for maintaining the cumulative academic records of each secondary student. 
  • Keep recorded information about students confidential. 
  • Deal with student discipline problems and relate to students, teachers, and parents. 
  • Assist in the supervision of the student drop off and dismissal in the parking lot. 
  • Maintain a plan for the supervision of students by faculty members before school, during lunch, during recesses (7- 8), after school, and/or during chapels or special programs. 
  • Make certain that classes are supervised at all times. 
  • The above list is not necessarily all inclusive and the Superintendent reserves the right to assign other or adjust current duties as are deemed appropriate. 
  • Contract will be 12 months with compensation commensurate with background and talents. 
  • Included with the annual contract is the option for health insurance, as well as life insurance, tuition assistance for school-aged children at Judah, and a school cellular phone. 

About Judah Christian School:

Judah Christian School is a Preschool - 12th grade private Christian school whose mission is "to partner with families and the local church, in providing an academically-excellent, Bible-based education, preparing students for a Christ-honoring life of service." Our vision is "to provide life-transforming experiences through authentic relationships in a Christ-centered, family-friendly, and vibrant learning environment.