
2 weeks ago

Portland, Oregon, United States Capital One Group Full time

I am searching for salesmen who are eager to make $10K per referral, simply for assisting in the usage of my Crypto Compounder (CC) by your leads/referrals.

You are reading my verbiage correctly... you're being paid for the "usage" not the sale. My Crypto Compounder is completely free of charge.

There is a method to the madness:

I am giving away one of my programs for free in order to entice the user to possibly want to purchase my other programs in the very near future.

This can and will be discussed later. Here are the "catches," if you want to label the required criteria that way...

  • You MUST be able to source your referrals/leads ON YOUR OWN I will not assist you on this part.
I'm paying you $10K per referral for a reason. You need to do your job and scout for qualified investors ON YOUR OWN.

  • There's a minimum that your referral has to have inside of their own crypto wallet, BEFORE they can execute the Crypto Compounder.

THAT'S IT I WILL DO ALL THE REST FOR YOU If you are good enough to continually assist with the usage of my CC, then you will be paid $10,000 for each and every one of your referrals who utilizes my Crypto Compounder.

If you would like to hear more about my Crypto Compounder and/or witness what it does for yourself, kindly send a request for more information, and I will respond at my earliest convenience.