Parceiro e consultor

1 week ago

Doral, Florida, United States RBCX GROUP Full time

O que requer esta posio:

Para ocupar esta posio o(a) candidato(a) deve ter uma boa oratria, falar idealmente mais do que uma lngua, sendo ingls ou portugus ou espanhol ou francs ou holands obrigatrio.

Ter experincia numa das reas do segmento martimo


reas em causa:
Logstica de portos
Docas reestruturao e construo de navios (Shipyard)
Navios de carga (Cargo Ships)

As responsabilidades desta posio, so:
Receber candidatos.
Trabalhar em conjunto com senior managers.
Reunies comerciais.
Dar formao.
Consutloria localizada.

Pr-requisitos desta posio:
Experincia comprovada na posio;
Referncias e cartas de recomendao (opcional);
Capaz de realizar vrias tarefas sincronizadamente;
Desenvolvido(a) na utilizao de sistemas informticos;
Damos preferncia a candidatos que possuem certificados na rea.

Se preenche estes requisitos, candidate-se j.

To fill this position, the candidate must have:
Good public speaking skills
Ideally speak more than one language, with English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, or Dutch being mandatory
Mandatory experience in one of the maritime industry areas

Areas of Focus:
Cruise ships
Port logistics
Dock restructuring and ship construction (Shipyard)
Cargo ships
The responsibilities of this position include:

Candidate reception
Collaborating with senior managers
Business meetings
Providing training
Local consultancy
The prerequisites for this position include:

Proven experience in the role
References and recommendation letters (optional)
Ability to multitask
Proficiency in using computer systems
Preference given to candidates with certifications in the field

If you meet these requirements, apply now.